Need A Vacation But Have A Destructive Dog With Separation Anxiety? Here's What You Need To Know

Going on vacation is something most people look forward to. For dog owners, however, it can be difficult to relax on vacation when you're worried about how your dog is dealing with being separated from you while you are on a dog-free vacation. Separation anxiety is a problem that many dog owners deal with and one that often results in destructive behavior.  It's important to determine whether or not your dog's destructive behavior is due to true separation anxiety or due to other reasons that could range anywhere from boredom to retaliation. [Read More]

3 Tips Before Taking Your Pup To Doggie Daycare For The First Time

Doggie daycare is a lifesaver when you work long hours or need to go out of town without your pooch. Your dog gets to play with other dogs and get plenty of human attention in a safe environment, giving you peace of mind. Before you bring your dog to doggie daycare for the first time, however, there are a few things to keep in mind: Tour the Facility First Doggie daycare comes in a wide range of price points, and the quality can vary as well. [Read More]

Three Ways You Can Prepare Your Dog For Winter

Now that autumn is in full swing, winter weather is waiting in the wings -- and this could mean that your furry friend will need specialized care designed to help it stay comfortable and healthy throughout the cold season. This is particularly true if your canine companion tends to spend most of its time outdoors. Following are three considerations that should be on your winter-preparedness checklist to help ensure the optimal well-being of your furry friend: [Read More]

Benefits Of Cat Boarding

If you are going to be leaving home for a vacation, business trip or another reason then you want to know your cat is going to be fine. This is why you may want to think about taking your cat to be boarded while you are away. There are a lot of benefits to boarding your cat and reading the information here will help you to learn about some of them. [Read More]